Dane Sanders Fast Track Workshop Day 1

In Personal by Sheldon

Day 1 of the Dane Sanders Fast Track Workshop for Photographers was great. We are not only learning about photography and business but also we are all learning about ourselves.

2 things that I learned about Dane today:

  1. He’s a Born Again Christian like myself
  2. He’s Canadian like myself
I never knew! I assumed that the only thing we had in common was our use of Canon cameras.
I will blog tomorrow about the final day of the workshop but I will say that I am getting my money’s worth here.
Also a big shout out to WHCC and Adobe for the lunch!  Especially the giant chocolate chip cookies.  You know the Photosapien loves chocolate.
Below is a photo of Dane educating the group about diffused light using Kim Lovell as the model.


SI the “Focused” Photosapien