Tell Me A Story…

In Portraits by Sheldon

Certainly photos of people’s faces tell a story. Their expressions can give the viewer information on how they are feeling at a single moment in time. But I would also say that photos of feet also tell a story. There might be more of a mystery behind the story, but there is something to be said about how feet are shaped, how they are resting, if they have scrapes, bruises or how they are decorated [or lack of decoration].  Let’s just say my feet tell the story of 2 appendages that should ALWAYS be hidden from sight. Not pretty at all.

I took this photo of children’s feet and I will say there is a unique story behind each foot but in particular the story behind the little girl’s feet [white dress] is the most touching. Read about her story about her fight with Spina Bifida in Sway Magazine and buy the book about her life.  Her name is Gabrielle and the charity is called Gabby’s Gift.  It just reminds me of how thankful I am for everything me and my children have and don’t have.  As well as I appreciate the struggle others have to go through to give a ‘normal’ life for their kids.


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