The Photosapien In Action

In Personal by Sheldon

I thought that I would post something completely different today.

I normally post photos and stories about a wedding day and the goings on at the wedding. Today I will give you the Photographer’s view of a photo shoot in short form.  Consider it a Photographer’s Flow Chart.  If I forget one piece of equipment or process, the whole wedding could get shut down. Not really but you know what I mean.

Clean, clear & pack all gear.

Double check that most important gear is coming, camera & memory cards.

Load car/truck with every piece. Camera bag rides shotgun.

Fight with GPS to get the best route to destination. Ditch GPS for Google Maps.

Call Bride after realizing she didn’t give me hotel room number.

Greet the Bridal Party and promise the Mother of  the Bride to not dirty the dress or lose the rings in hotel lobby. Or not to dirty rings or lose dress. Whatever.

Meet up with Groomsmen.  Decline alcoholic beverage offers from all 12 Groomsmen.

After ceremony, tell Bridal Party 12 times we gotta go do photos!

While shooting group photos, tell Bridal Party so smile like they are actually not starving.

Make Bride laugh even though her cheeks hurt from grinning all day.

Set up lights in reception hall after scouring the venue for electrical outlets.

Shoot speeches in between mouthfuls of 5 course meal. Sit down, get up. Repeat.

Fight the urge to drop the camera and PARTY!  Tap foot & behave.

Dismantle all lights & cords, continue to fight the dancing urge.

Say bye to new friends and accept hugs from Mother of Bride/Groom.

Go home dead tired, unload car and load images to computer.

Fight the urge to edit a few photos.



Getting Low - Credit: Navy Nhum Photography


SI the “Top of the Photography Food Chain” Photosapien